
Chariot Race  

Posted by Donna

I wouldn't have thought that I would still be travelling at the same breakneck pace I was at the beginning of June, yet here I am, still barreling around in a circle, precariously careening around corners. [Photo taken at the ancient Hippodrome in Jerasa, Jordan.] Most of my daily struggle is at work, as it is for most of us, but this has been a particularly long and grueling six weeks. The more I am hand-slapped for making some sort of error, either in judgment or fact, the more mistakes I make. The more I'm told I need to adapt and get with the program, the less willing I am to do so. Maybe all that therapy is finally kicking in and my Inner Child is rebelling against what she perceives to be unfair. Maybe it just isn't good for anyone's psyche to feel diminished day after day. I am refocusing my energy towards changing my situation but alas, I seem to have a knack for searching when there are few opportunities.

My mare continues to be the source of sadness and anxiety as well. She's over her pulled shoulder muscle or whatever her latest injury was, but now we've taken four or five or six steps backwards and I am again wondering what our future holds. If I step back and look at the situation from a logical and unemotional viewpoint [*snort* - like I can really do that], it is obvious that I should give Miss back to the barn or have them help me find another owner or whatever the hell that pseudo-contract will allow me to do. I'm too often unable to ride her and even when I am, it's a frustrating or disappointing experience. After 3 1/2 years I don't think it's out of line to expect I should be completely solid with her at the walk, trot and canter, in and out of the arena, and working towards the next level in some discipline. Instead we walk and trot. And walk and trot. And walk and trot some more. We are really good at walk and trot and sometimes that's all I need. You get the picture. The problem is, I love her, and I think she loves me. I've spent so much time out of the saddle and have come to get as much out of grooming and ground work as I do from riding. It's the connection, the understanding of each other's personalities, the relationship that I don't want to give up.

At my lesson at the new barn this week I was given Katie to ride, a big warmblood flea-bitten gray mare. She has a reputation for being cranky but we get along great, and my trainer said with a wink that it looked like I'd found my new horse. Near the end of the lesson at the canter I hear her yell from across the arena, "Donna, your butt isn't even leaving that saddle -- I LOVE it!" For the first time in weeks, I hear myself think YAY ME.

Meanwhile, I am moving into my own Petit Trianon. More on that next time.

This entry was posted on July 17, 2010 at Saturday, July 17, 2010 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


I'm sorry to hear that work isn't going so well for you, but that may change eventually or with luck you'll find something you like better.

It sounds like you and your mare have a good connection. Sorry to hear she's been out of commission lately, but she'll get better. I don't know if I understand you but if you're at another barn now, did your trainer follow you there and continue to give you lessons? I'm glad you had a good ride on the gray mare and got some self confidence restored. It's hard for me to believe that you haven't got the walk,trot, canter sequence down pat in over 3 years. I don't know the situation but I'm sure it's not the horse's fault or yours for that matter. Unless there are strange extenuating circumstances your trainer should have brought you further along than where you are now. Good luck with your mare.

July 17, 2010 at 6:02 PM

sorry to hear about your troubles with your mare. we all have times in our training when we feel frustrated with our progress but, if you really love her, there is probably a way to work through whatever issues you're having.

as a trainer i can tell you that NO trainer has the answer to every horse or horse-and-rider combination. maybe it's worth a second opinion from another trainer with fresh eyes on the situation who can offer you some new ideas on what you both need to improve.

most of the time the issues are not so bad they require finding the horse a new home. usually it is about finding a new approach. maybe it's worth getting a different perspective from another trainer or trying some clinics, etc.?

anyway, good luck to you both!

July 17, 2010 at 7:25 PM

I hope you figure out how to proceed with your mare. If that's her in the sidebar picture - she is lovely.

July 20, 2010 at 4:45 AM

The relationships we have with our colleagues at work is 99.9% of the experience, isn't it? I wish you much luck with whatever choice you make there and the ability to cope, in the meantime.

Sometimes, I think, animals enter our lives for a reason and are not meant to stay for the entire length of our, or their, lives with us. Perhaps, the Universe is attempting to make your next move as obvious and painless as possible. Perhaps, there is someone else out there just waiting for the opportunity to spend some time with your horse to move forward and make positive changes in their life that no one is yet aware of. But, in order for that to happen, you have to let her go first.

Just something to think about.

I'm very intrigued by your Petit Trianon. Do tell!!

July 20, 2010 at 9:44 AM

??? Moving, eh???
Can't wait to hear more 'bout that ;-)

July 20, 2010 at 3:13 PM

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