I love The Weepies, and I feel a little bit like I'm hanging on for dear life on this wildly spinning world at the moment. But hanging on, I am.
To clarify my training situation, I'm now riding and taking lessons at my original barn (where Missy was born and lives) and at a new barn which is a 5 minute drive from my office. The only way I could ensure that I would be able to ride every week was to take this step, they have a pool of over 60 lesson horses and many different venues in which to ride, including covered arenas for when the weather is bad. It's a group lesson with 4 other women in my age range and skill level and we do different things every week. I needed to do this to maintain both my sanity and any kind of skill level I might have, since I cannot count on being able to ride on the weekends, the only time that I can make it to Missy's barn.
I understand no trainer has all the answers, and I have found that I am learning a lot from having another trainer, the problem is, my original trainer has literally known Missy her entire life (she's 11) and started her (twice). If anyone should know how to manage this mare, it's her, but for the life of me I can't figure out why she is so conservative and so cautious, as if Missy, given the chance, would stomp me to death. I know she has both of our welfare in mind but I am bored and Missy just keeps getting abcesses, hurting herself, and having mystery problems that prevent me from being able to ride her for long stretches of time. I love her dearly but owning her is like owning a Ferrari with a couple spark plugs missing.
I took a HUGE step this month to improve my situation and changed the one thing that I had complete control over: where I live. I've lived in a very rural area at the top of a mountain in the redwoods for the last 10 years. While it's beautiful and peaceful, it's also a 75-minute, 50-mile commute each way to my office, and half of that is on mountain roads. The isolation was also becoming an issue for me, and I needed to change something in my life in order to drag myself out of the ditch of unhappiness I found myself in. Serendipity played a part in me finding a lovely 1-bedroom cottage nestled behind a gorgeous main house in exactly the place I wanted to be, with manicured landscaping, a private enclosed patio, a dog run for Aubrey, hardwood floors, a huge bedroom and a wood-burning fireplace. At 750 square feet it feels just about right, my only complaint is the kitchen is really tiny, but I don't cook much so I decided I could learn to live with that.
I haven't had a 20-minute commute in 15 years and I am loving it. Other than a very short stint right after I left my ex, I've never lived alone and I'm having a lot of fun decorating and setting things up exactly the way that I want them. I was very concerned that I would be excruciatingly lonely, but so far that hasn't been the case, probably because I have my little spitfire pup with me. She is so funny and energetic and loving! She also LOVES my new bed, as you can see. I'm not sure what's going to happen with the house in the mountains or how or when my husband and I will live together full-time again, but for now I make the trek up the mountain on Friday nights and head back to my Petit Trianon on Sunday night for the work week.
I'm not sure who this Donna is that has done these things this year...gone to Jordan on my own to spend a week with women I'd never met, found a new barn and a new trainer, and now, getting my own place, but I think I like her.
It sounds like you've got everything under control in your life right now. It's all very exciting. Glad you're getting out to ride with a group and different trainers. Hope you make lots of new friends.
I KNOW I like her.
You just keep following your heart and making choices based on love and you'll be just fine. That includes loving yourself, by the way, which I think you've already figured out.
I live in 800 sq. feet and the Frenchman just moved in. It's plenty of room, but then, I like it cozy.
I don't think it's unreasonable to want to spend less time commuting.
You have my complete & total support.
I think I like her too. I saw this Donna emerging out of her coccoon last March....what does it feel like?
I hope comfortable.
Statia - I don't know what this means, only time will tell.
Julianna - Thank you! I'm beginning to feel like I made the right decision.
GHM - I don't know about having everything under control, but things are better than they were and I have myself to thank for that. Being able to ride in a group has been a lot of fun.
Carolynn - I appreciate your support, it means a lot, as it does from everyone. I try to downplay it on here but all of this has been a HUGE deal for me. Being in the car an hour each way every day might not seem like that big a change, but it's linked to so many other things.
Gillian - You are one of the reasons I have continued to break out of that coccoon instead of retreating back to its safety. I still sometimes feel like I am watching a different person do the things I want to do but I sure we will integrate eventually.
Hey - I like both the new AND the old Donna ;-)!
But congrats on your move, sounds like everything is going in a positive direction for you... Got a load of stuff I need to blog about, yadda yadda - when I find that proverbial FREE TIME, that is!
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- Donna
- I'm a transplanted Canadian who has lived in Northern California since the late 80s. I took my first ever English riding lesson in the summer of 2006 and got my TB mare in early 2007. Follow me as I endeavour to become a decent equestrienne, fight my internal demons and figure out what else I want to be when I grow up.